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 The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013)

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2 participants
Mort Vivant!!!

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2595
Age : 29
Localisation : DERRIÈRE TOI !!!
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2009

The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) Empty
MessageSujet: The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013)   The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) EmptyMer 7 Mai - 21:16

The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) 6-the-10

The Last of Us est un jeu-vidéo développé par Naughty Dog. Une compagnie connue principalement pour sa série Uncharted. Je ne connaissais pas cette société de développement avant qu’il ne publie ce magnifique chef-d’œuvre.
Gagnant de plus de 200 prix « meilleur jeu de l’année », The Last of Us est maintenant considéré comme étant l’un des meilleurs jeux-vidéos jamais faits.

L’histoire est celle d’un monde post-apocalyptique dont la nature à repris sa place dans la civilisation. Avant cela lorsque tout était normal, de nombreux stocks de fruits et légumes dans le monde ont étés infectés par un champignon appelé le Cordyceps. Au début, bien des gens tombèrent malades et allèrent tous à l’hôpital. Après que le champignon contamina leurs cerveaux, les patients devinrent extrêmement agressifs et ils infectèrent tout le monde par morsure. La contamination gagna de plus en plus l’humanité en l’espace de quelques heures.
Durant tout ce chaos, un homme Joel et sa fille Sarah fuient la panique et le désordre. Ils arrivent à sortir de la ville mais les militaires ont sécurisés les limites, empêchant ainsi l’infection de se propager. Après une rencontre avec un soldat qui avait ordre de ne laisser passer personne, Joel perd sa fille dans la fusillade.
20 ans plus tard, l’environnement à repris le dessus des villes, les infectés et bandits rôdent dehors et les quelques zones de sécurités sont contrôlés par les forces militaires devenus totalitaires. Joel maintenant dans la cinquantaine fait du trafic d’armes et de tickets de ravitaillements, mais tout change lorsqu’il rencontre un paquet qu’il doit livrer. Ce « coli » est une jeune fille nommée Ellie qui est immunisée contre le Cordyceps et elle doit être « livrée » à Salt Lake city. Là où il a un laboratoire sécurisé et dont le personnel pourra trouver un vaccin contre l’infection. Joel accepte, malgré que le fait qu’il a perdu sa fille auparavant.
S’entame alors une longue route au travers d’une Amérique du Nord vide d’humanité entre un ancien père et une jeune orpheline.

The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) The-la10

The Last of Us est une réussite totale, y’a pas un seul point que je peux critiquer négativement. C’est l’exemple définitif d’un jeu parfait. Les graphismes n’ont pas l’air d’êtres générés à l’ordinateur, on dirait voir de vraies personnes avec de vraies émotions. L’histoire est originale et son univers l’est tout autant. Sa jouabilité fait ressentir au joueur ce qu’est être un survivant et lui colle l’atmosphère du jeu bien après avoir déposé la manette. Les relations entre les personnages est probablement la meilleur que j’ai jamais vu dans n’importe quel histoire. On assiste entre l’évolution sociale d’un homme qui a perdu auparavant sa fille et d’une pré-adolescente qui a perdue aussi sa famille. Au fil du jeu, on croirait voir un père et son enfant qui traversent leur pays peuplés de dangers. D’ailleurs, c’est ça qui fait de The Last of Us un tel succès. Jamais on n’est autant attaché à des personnages tels que Joel ou Ellie. On les suit dans leur périple et on les aides à survivre en les faisant passer au travers des épreuves.

Les jeux-vidéos sont reconnus pour avoir du succès dû à leurs divertissent qu’ils procurent. The Last of Us est bien trop fait pour être qualifié de « divertissement ». La jouabilité mise sur la survie et la débrouillardise mais elle ne fait qu’accompagner tout que qui rend le jeu bon alors que normalement c’est l’inverse. D’habitude c’est l’histoire, les graphismes et la musique qui soutiennent la jouabilité qui est le cœur d’un jeu. Mais là, ce chef-d’œuvre est tellement bien écrit que les meilleurs moments sont lorsqu’on fait avancer lentement Joel et qu’on est témoins de leurs conversations. Si The Last of Us aurait été un livre, croyez-moi son auteur aurait immédiatement gagné le prix Nobel.

The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) The-la11

Au final, The Last of Us est un chef-d’œuvre de l’art des jeux-vidéos. Ça mérite amplement le gigantesque succès qu’il a reçu et son adaptions futur au cinéma (des rumeurs disent que Liam Neeson sera l’interprète de Joel  Very Happy ). C’est un jeu unique et complètement original qui est selon moi, le meilleur jeu d’horreur jamais développé.

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Mort Vivant!!!

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2595
Age : 29
Localisation : DERRIÈRE TOI !!!
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2009

The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013)   The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) EmptySam 26 Sep - 21:13

The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) The-last-of-us-joel-wallpaper

Article TROP intéressant pour pas que je la partage;

The Last of Us is one of the most important video games of all time. It received universal acclaim and accumulated over 240 Game of the Year awards. It has been lauded time and again as the pinnacle of character driven story-telling and a true example of video games as an art form. It is also Sony’s best-selling exclusive. But none of that matters for what I am going to talk about. Please stick with me throughout this, as it will be a relatively long post.

Everyone has a different experience with entertainment, especially when it comes to games. When The Last of Us initially released, I brushed it off as another generic TPS zombie shooter. All of my friends were going on and on about how this game is the best game ever, yadda yadda yadda. I put off buying the game for the longest time. In fact, I didn’t buy the game at all. I was given the game by Jack Tretton himself at a special Sony event (I did buy The Last of Us Remastered though). It was at this point (almost a year after the game released) that I said fuck it, and decided to see what the hype was about.

Thirty minutes in, my eyes were red with tears and I was fighting to keep playing.

The opening alone was enough to convince me that I was wrong about all of my misconceptions about The Last of Us. The mere voice acting was so powerful, so emotional, so well-done and well-scripted that I felt as if I was there. The character development is some of the best I have ever witnessed. These people feel real. They are fully realized and no other game has ever come close to the heights that The Last of Us reached.

The game is set in a post-apocalyptic future. Yet, this future is so very real. Naughty Dog has done something impossible. They crafted a world that is distant, yet is literally under our very fingertips every day. This America isn’t some fictional doodle some guy cooked up. This America is one we all see, breathe and interact with in our daily lives. Distant, yet familiar. The apocalypse is not a half-brained idea, either and this is just another stroke of genius. Naughty Dog utilized REAL science, and created a plague that CAN happen. And this is what terrifies me about The Last of Us. That despite being science fiction horror, it is so damn believable.

We play as Joel, a ruthless smuggler who has been worn down by a brutal future. Aged beyond his years, Joel has suffered more pain and loss than most people can claim. In many games this would automatically make him the hero. This is not so in TLOU. Joel is not a hero; he is a ruthless killer, tired, weary, worn down by his world. He has arguably done twice as much harm as good. And the beautiful thing is, the game does not shy away from any of this, yet it does not paint Joel to be a bad person. I’d argue that it shows us a good man who was forced to do bad things in order to survive. As one person once said, and I’m paraphrasing here, “morals go out the window when it comes to surviving. You can hold on to your morals and die, or do something bad and live.”

Never has that statement rang so true than with Joel. While we never get a true sense of where Joel lies on the morality scale, we do get a sense of who he is NOW, and who he used to BE. Twenty years of the apocalypse does thing to a man, no matter how good or how bad they start off as. Maddeningly mysterious, instantly likable, all badass.

“We’re shitty people, Joel” said Tess. “It’s been that way for a long time.”

Multiple times in the game, it is hinted and alluded to that Joel has a very dark history with the bandits, highwaymen and raiders. “I’ve been on both sides,” he says. That moment, those seconds after he speaks those words, are some of the most chilling in the game. The instant he said that, the hairs on my arms bristled.

Who was this man we call Joel?

Throughout the game we see various facets of Joel’s character as we play. We see the loving, doting father he used to be, the emotional being, the brutal mercenary, the heartless killer, the dedicated guardian and the survivor. All of this blends to create one of the most complicated characters in modern gaming. Without a close examination, Joel is just another badass video game character. That just isn’t acceptable.

While it is true that Joel is a hardened survivor, we also see his capacity to care for others. This is especially noteworthy when Tess, Ellie and he are cornered at the capitol building in Boston. Soldiers are rushing the main entrance, and Tess insists that they leave while she buys them time. Multiple times he protests, only be told to leave again.

“I can fight-“

“Just fucking go!” Tess cuts in.

It was only after that last burst that he gives in. After seeing her dead body, Joel is visibly tormented, going so far as to verbally berate Bill and Ellie for merely mentioning her name. This sort of reaction is admittedly normal for friends, but the game does not leave it there. Several times, it is alluded to that he and Tess were once in a relationship together, and it is possible that Joel was not over her, however lofty he may have been when around her.

“You were always the romantic type,” Tess says.

“I have my moments,” he replies.

Joel is both lover and fighter it seems. He walks a line of moral ambiguity, and it is important to keep that in mind. This, coupled with the loss of his daughter, and the horrors he encounters in the post-pandemic America, serve to create one of the most complex, most well-fleshed out characters in gaming history, and the reason Joel has affected my outlook on life.

Seeing Joel transform like this, hearing his small-talk with Ellie on their journey, seeing his story unfold as led me to gain a greater appreciation for the small things in life. We never know what the future will bring. We never know when our time will come. Joel lost everything, but took the time to invest in a child and gained more than ever. We could all take a note from Joel’s book.

Many people say that The Last of Us is not about Joel at all, but Ellie. I have to disagree. While Ellie is certainly an amazing character unto herself, The Last of Us is the story of a man that the world tore down, broke and drained the life from. Joel was kicked to his knees and beaten until he was a shell of his former self. The Last of Us is his journey to redemption, and finally accepting the loss of his daughter.

And that's what makes him so important.
Source: http://psnprofiles.com/forums/topic/27723-how-the-last-of-us-impacted-me-a-character-study-of-joel/
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Définitivement Mort

Masculin Nombre de messages : 492
Age : 36
Localisation : Nice, France
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2012

The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013)   The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) EmptyMer 7 Oct - 5:45

Je l'avais fait il y a deux ans et j'ai juste adoré ce survival Cool
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Mort Vivant!!!

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2595
Age : 29
Localisation : DERRIÈRE TOI !!!
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2009

The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013)   The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) EmptyJeu 8 Oct - 14:16

Kiba22 a écrit:
Je l'avais fait il y a deux ans et j'ai juste adoré ce survival Cool

Et la musique, qu'est ce que t'en pense?
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